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Carers Week Boost for MCT

As National Carers Week kicks off, Men Care Too is excited to announce that The Iris Foundation is now auspicing MCT projects and in a further boost MCT has been selected to receive funding from The Elderslee Foundation to continue work on initiatives that aim to reduce isolation and loneliness for men in unpaid, informal caring roles.

Over the past 12 months Men Care Too (MCT) has operated as a self-funded and volunteer run, grass roots community project advocating for men who are now providing, or have previously provided care and support to a family member or friend with an illness, disability or age related condition.

Through in person and online activities, MCT founder Greg Smith also works to raise awareness and educate community and social service providers about the impact from a male perspective that a caring role has on physical and mental health.

Men Care Too auspicor The Iris Foundation is a Central Coast organisation that ‘fosters resilience, hope and connections in our community as a means to reducing the risk of suicide’. With a shared focus on developing meaningful connections for at risk, sometimes overlooked members in the community, Men Care Too and The Iris Foundation are pleased with the new relationship.

Sue Liptrott from The Iris Foundation said “Iris Foundation is very proud to support Men Care Too, a project initiated by Greg Smith who has spent the last 12 months tirelessly raising awareness and developing connections to reduce isolation experienced by male carers in unpaid roles.”

With the auspicing agreement in place Men Care Too are now able to apply for project funding along with receiving donations and in a major boost, a submission for funding to develop and promote Men Care Too over the next 6 months has been approved by The Elderslee Foundation.

Having developed strong local ties through aged care and community focused initiatives, The Elderslee Foundation already provide funding to a number of Central Coast projects including ‘Behind The Seen’ whose work provides mental health awareness and workshops for emergency services personnel.

Elderslee Foundation board member Ruth Jordon said that “The Elderslee Foundation is pleased to support Men Care Too with a seeding grant, which we hope will assist the organisation in its promotional activities and position it to take advantage of funding opportunities which may arise. Our donation recognises the much needed work to raise issues which affect male carers, and to provide information and support to this often overlooked group in our community.”

For Men Care Too founder Greg Smith, the support of Iris Foundation to auspice the project and funding from The Elderslee Foundation means the world. “This support represents other people believing in a need for MCT to exist and gives me the motivation to continue.”

Keep an eye on the MCT events page and stay in touch by subscribing to MCT Monday for a weekly dose of news and info aimed at men in caring roles and the communities around them.

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